I am a Pintrest junkie. It's easy to get lost in all the pins and spend way too much time just looking and pinning and thinking, "I might have to try that!". Well, I finally did. According to many pinners, vinegar and dawn dish soap can do ANYTHING and we decided to put one claim to the test.
The pin - keep your tub clean and soap scum free. This is a tall order since we have hard water and it just seems like no matter what I use it just never seems to stay clean past the day I scrub, but if this will work, seems like an easy solution!
The required ingredients |
So $13.02 (plus tax) later, I have everything needed to keep things clean for a year I'm sure. All I had to do was fill the scrubber - half dawn/half vinegar and put it in the tub to scrub down after each shower.
I did use it for a good cleaning scrub initially, and have used it after most every shower for two weeks and ya know, it works! No soapy residue, and no need to skip my regular upper body workout so that I can scrub hard to get it clean! And the added benefit is that it doesn't leave everything smelling like bleach and chemicals!!
I'm so excited that I'm off to find something else to put to the test! Have you put a Pin to the test? Please share your results in the comments below - we all want to know!!